01 NawnTungLake

Naung Tong Lake in Keng Tung

02 NawnPhaChurch

Nawn Phar Lahu Baptist Church

03 NawnPhaChurch_outside

Hall of Nawn Phar Lahu Baptist Church

04 NawnPhaChurch_inside

The image shows the inside of Nawn Phar Lahu Baptist Church.

05 NawnPhaBuilding

Tyrannus Center of Nawn Phar Lahu Baptist Church.

Welcome to our website

This is the website of Nawn Phar Lahu Baptist Church.
The works and ministry of our church will be shared here on our web pages.
You can listen to Sermons from our Pastor,  read the Lahu bible, and watch the Lahu choir and gospel songs.



Verse of the day

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.

2 Thessalonians 2:16


Verse of the day

Daily Sermon

Sunday Worship (Live)

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